Apply For Obama Grants Money

Apply For Obama Grants Money
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 has been commonly mistaken for Obama debt relief grants. Some websites are advertising the ARRA as debt relief grants for people who are struggling financially due to the economic recession.Government grants for minority women are one of the best endeavors by the federal government, corporate America and religious organizations etc. to foster the economical growth of minority women. Apply Today!!

Friday, 28 September 2012

Obama, Romney want to give quality education, just doubled the pell grants

Obama has decided to give quality of education to all Americans weather they study in public or private schools. They want that either you study anywhere , private or public, you could pay fees frequently, that is why Mitt Romney and The President Obama has decided to give quality education essential for their democracy and economy success.

In an interview for the summit, they also decided to invest in education by 20 to 25 percent. According to the Administration, many low income students are struggling in reading four years graduate program and math.

Pell Grants

Romney wants that they should restrict the Pell grants, it is just for poorest students. It is not good for college education. It increase the college fees. Obama just increased the Pell Grants amount just doubled from $16 billion to $36 billion last year. The eduation in America is becoming unaffordable day by day. Obama Administration starts campaigning for affordable and good quality education to any one weather you are poor or not. You can take admission anywhere in America.


Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Obama showering Ohio with attention and money

Obama showering Ohio with attention and money

Obama Administration has awarded tax credits for the promotion of the clean energy in Ohio first time, i would tell you that the total of $125 million which is the highest amoong the other state.

The owner of Cleveland Dairy just won the largest loan in Obama small Business loan history. President obama visited the campus and discuss about American energy, the school is the national leader in the field of energy.

The Official said that the grant have been given to every state according to merit-based reviews.

See the full story @ washingtonpost


Monday, 24 September 2012

Obama Grants For Moms Returning to School

Obama Grants for Moms Returning to School is such a grants and scholarships program provided by The Obama Administration. It help the single mothers to go to school back to educate them. Single mothers with their children are facing lot of problems when they have been departed by their partners for some reasons. To provide help to single mothers so that they can grow themselves, The Obama Administration gives a grants and scholarships program called 'Mom returns to school', in which they give financial aid to single moms for their further education in the college.

Did you know that? You will be happy to know that your the Government is providing scholarships for you. For that you have to research yourself that you are eligible or not for this grant program. If you are facing problem with your current job and want to leave it as soon as possible and want to take admission in college again, then you must be thinking good. Your one decision can reach you on your success destination. The Obama administration will give you scholarships to get college degree, so that you could be change your field of earning.

Pell Grant can give you full support in the college ob Obama. It can cover your books, tuition cost, PG, fooding etc. If you got Pell grant from the college, your thousands of dollars can save and prevented yourself from large debt.

How to apply for Pell Grant in the college

First of all check your eligibility criteria and then you have to fill the FAFSA online form to apply.

Check full details about Pell Grant


Saturday, 22 September 2012

James Randi Educational Foundation Grants and Scholarships

Jamesh Randi Educational Foundation is going to provide a grant and scholarships to that who has skeptics need. This foundation used to provide grants to students, educators and community activists who promote the public against superstition and unproven claims. There are many grant have been awarded by the foundation in the field of psychology, science, philosophy, literature and many subjects.

About the JREF

The James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) is a foundation found in 1996. It is use to provide grants and scholarships to students, educators and teachers. The foundation's mission is to promote to provide critical thinking.

Critical Thinking Educational Scholarship Awards

Under this awards, students will be getting $2,000 in their academic scholarships. Apply the JREF educational Scholarships.


Monday, 17 September 2012

Obama New college Pell grant to reduce tuition fees

President Obama wants to reduce the college tuition fees in half in next decade. As the fees are rising, students could not able to pay their debt completely. Fees keep rising and create problems for students. As per college data, the fees has raised to 40% to $3,122 and in 4 years program, it has 68% risen.

President Obame suggested the states to have a new grant program that reduce cost of the college fees and make it easy for students. They are going to engage to priority higher education and make all the college affordable and reduce the cost of the college in whole country.

Under this proposal, the Obama Administration would far aid away from the colleges which fail to keep fees down. This plan has their own campus based aid program, work study program, Perkins loans and supplemental grants for low-income student’s grants. This plan will be increasing federal grants up to $10 billion which was only $3 billion.

President Obama is going to make it short term rather than long term like federal aid programs like Pell grants and Stafford loans, they provide us such grants which is can be using in any colleges.


 How to get money for college with bad credit

Government grants for college for unemployed

How to find college grant money

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Obama startup business grants for entrepreneur in all sectors

The US President Obama has their great and strong plan for small business grant for the people who want to establish their own small business and want to grow. For this steps the makes the people independent and there are lot of short jobs have been created by them and pushed down the unemployment rate.

I appreciate the President Obama's action. They lifted up the small business in their in United States. I will tell you the for this, there is a small business lending fund approved $30 billion with bank support. The TARP(Troubled Asset Relief Program) has given big contribution with bank. This is really a helpful steps seeing that recession.

Each and every Entrepreneurs and small business owners appreciated this steps.


Small Business Owners
Document of proof of your business
Your Business proposal

This is also true that the ARRA(American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) 2009 allowed $275 billion for relief package for grants, loans and contracts.

There are many business grants such as

Federal Business Grants by State Government
Government Grants for Business by CFDA(The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistant)
NSP(Neighborhood stabilization program) to help Property Developers
Grants for Energy Efficiency companies
$61 million for rural micro entrepreneur assistance


Thursday, 6 September 2012

President Obama Grants for JOBS by National Emergency Grants

President Obama Grants for JOBS by NEG

National Emergency Grants(NEGs) by United States Department of Labor give help to needy people who is unemployed and need training. They provide in large scale in local and state levels.

I am going to update you about Presisent Barack Obama's via Labor Department has awarded a $3,358,017 NEG to the Louisiana Workforce Commission. It is for recovery of Hurricane, gave grants for job security and good effort by the President Obama, must be appreciated. Lot of peoples are jobless. By this effort of the President, lot of people have been benefitted from it.

Many of the countries like Ascension, Assumption,Saint John etc have been affected from this Hurricane. More about countries at[].

Federal government took action fast and announced $3,358,017 and $1,119,339 about to announced.

More check it out[]



For more updated news about Obama Grants, Keep update to date

More Write-ups

Obama Grants For Moms

Potential Cutback In Pell Grants by Obama

Obama New Affordable College grants for students

Saturday, 1 September 2012

South Asian University(SAU) President’s Scholarship and financial support 2012

South Asian University(SAU) President’s Scholarship

South Asian University(SAU) has been sponsored by the SAARC(South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation which is the association of the eight countries named India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh. The permanent campus of the SAARC in Maidan Garhi IGNOU Campus, South Delhi, India.

I was searching and found a SAU Applications for grant of scholarships 2012-2013 for students.

The committee has decided to give grants of scholarships to students who has its need based on the family income and economic need. They may invite students for an interview, interview date will be notified in first week of September 2012.

Documents required

* Family income proof
* Income Certificate
* Salary Slips
* Pension Certificate(for retired persons)
* Bank Statement
* Income Tax Returns

How to apply for this grants in SAU

Application form[]


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